Registration Fee

Registration Information

All participants are kindly requested to register online via the online database, by filling in the personal details and selecting the appropriate registration category. Deadline for the payment of the reduced registration fee is 31 May 2009. Normal registration fees can be paid until 15 August 2009, after that onsite fees should be paid on spot. All participants will receive confirmation on registration and hotel reservation, but participants may check their own payment and reservation status in their personal records of the registration database.


Reduced rate
until May 31, 2009

Normal rate
June 1 and August 22, 2009

On site rate
from August 23, 2009

Regular Participant1

370 Euro

410 Euro

450 Euro

Young Scientist Participant1,2

220 Euro

250 Euro

280 Euro

Accompanying person3

60 Euro

70 Euro

80 Euro

One day registration

not possible

not possible

120 Euro

Registration fee upgrade4

90 Euro




35 Euro



1 Registration fee for congress participants (regular and young scientist/student) include: participation in all sessions, admission to the exhibition, Abstract Volume on CD, conference bag with printed Programme Book, admission to the Opening and Closing ceremonies, welcome reception (24 August), congress concerts

2 Category of young scientists (including students) has an exact age limit: it is 32 years. Participants born in or after August 1977, and who are co-authors of at least one presentation submitted to the IAGA 2009, are eligible for this reduced registration fee.

3 Registered accompanying persons are entitled to receive: Admission to the Opening and Closing Ceremonies, Welcome reception (24 August), Congress concerts, Guided city walks in Sopron, Coffee breaks (24–29 August)

The Banquet in the evening of 27 August and bus excursions are not included in any of these fees.

4 Registration fee upgrade 90 EUR includes: 5 lunches between 24-28 August and admission to the congress banquet on 27 August.
You may register your request online after having selected your registration category in the menu "Optional programmes"


Cancellation deadlines

Cancellation of registration and hotel reservation without penalty (100% refund): 31 May, 2009
Cancellation of registration and hotel reservation with 50% penalty (50% refund): 15 July, 2009
After 15 July, 2009 no refund is possible.


Methods of Payment

Pre-payment can be made either by bank transfer payable to:

Diamond Congress Ltd – IAGA2009
Raiffeisen Bank Zrt.
Address: H-1015 Budapest, Széna tér 1/a
International Bank Account Number (IBAN) HU79 12010154 00175156 00200001

or by major credit cards (American Express, Visa, MasterCard) to be arranged during the secure online registration. Please do not forget at the bank transfer to send the name of the Conference (IAGA2009), and your registration ID or your name. Registrations and hotel reservations, which are not accompanied by appropriate payment, will not be honoured. Registrations and hotel reservations will be acknowledged in writing. Official invoices and receipts for fees paid by the participants will be handed over on site upon registration. Congress bureau Diamond Congress Ltd. is responsible for collection of all charges; hence all financial issues are handled and confirmed by the congress bureau. On site registration fees, hotel charges and optional programmes can be paid in cash in convertible currency or in Hungarian Forint. Besides, credit cards listed above will be accepted. The organisers regret that cheques cannot be accepted, they should be cashed at the banks.